Tuesday 7 February 2012

Down's Syndrome Association Students

We at CANRAY were very happy to welcome students from the Down's Syndrome Association of Tamilnadu, when they visited our centre last week.

The Association had a purpose when they requested this visit. These students have been learning in theory the names of various hospital equipment and modalities. They were totally in the dark about the looks of the machines and how they worked.

We had the pleasure of providing them an opportunity to see things for themselves and we explained what each was used for. We even allowed them to have a hands on session to get the feel of how some of

the simple ones worked. Boy, you should have seen the enthusiasm and purpose with which they went about the whole exercise. They even wanted photos taken of themselves wearing hospital garb and

handling sterile instruments. They showed a keen interest in sterilisation processes and in how hospital waste is disposed . They also asked to see a fire extinguisher.

Needless to say the photos speak the whole story.

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