Wednesday 21 March 2012

Women’s Right to Life, Right to Good Health!

Hi there! 21 March is World Human Rights Day. Read on about human rights for women and pass the message. 

Did you know that 1/3  of deaths among women is due to cardiovascular diseases and stroke?
Did you know that 1000 women die every day as a consequence of pregnancy and childbirth?
Did you know that 86% of women with mental health disorders do not receive adequate care?
Did you know that the future of the world lies in how healthy women are and in their health care initiatives?

Women around the world live longer than men due to biological and behavioral  advantages, but longer does not necessarily mean healthier.

The dearth of adequate health care intervention in childhood through adolescence, during the reproductive years and beyond affects women’s health in life later and across generations.
While women and men share many similar health challenges, the genetic differences are such that women require specific attention. For example some conditions or diseases such as osteoarthritis, obesity and depression are more common in women, while others such as pregnancy and menopause are unique to women.

In modern times, women all over the world are donning multifarious caps to meet their aspirations as well as cater to the various demands of the family and society.  This added dimension to the already existing dynamics of the roles a woman dons makes it imperative that women pay particular attention to their health.

Establishing healthy habits at an young age helps women lead an active and healthy life until well into old age. Adhering to nutritious eating habits and an exercise routine is expected. 

Regular health checkups and follow up routines has now become important as women do not want to take their health for granted.

As the prime nurturers of tomorrow’s generation, women have to necessarily stay informed and take care of their health.

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