Friday, 1 June 2012

Are you BLOWING/PUFFING /CHEWING your life away?

Are you knowingly consuming POISON?

Are you ready to forego years of your life for a few minutes pleasure?

Even the cigarette carton warns it is injurious to health, so what the unresistable lure that a roll has over your mind?


World over health practitioners have been persistently harping on the fact that smoking a cigarette is equal to digging your grave.

Tobacco is actually an agricultural produce from the leaves of a plant Nicotiana. It can be used as an organic pesticide and has some medicinal qualities too.

Tobacco is commonly used as a recreational drug. It can be smoked, chewed or insufflated. 

Unlike other commonly used recreational drugs, tobacco does not provide an euphoric height, but it is no less life threatening.

Prolonged consumption of tobacco (either smoking/chewing) can quickly become addictive due to the nicotine content in it. The drug nicotine that is present in tobacco causes physical and mental dependence. What it means in common terms is that you are allowing a non matter like nicotine to matter so much that it captures your body and enslaves your mind.

The negative health effects caused by the consumption of tobacco are
-- Smoking tobacco triples your heart attack risk 

-- Smoking just 8 cigarettes a day doubles your heart attack risk 

-- Chewing tobacco doubles your heart attack risk 

-- Light smokers (less than 10 cigarettes per day) who give up return to normal non-smoking risk of heart attack after 3 to 5 years 

-- Heavier smokers (more than 20 cigarettes per day) who give up have a 22% higher heart attack risk even 20 years after they quit 

-- an open invitation to throat and lung cancer,

Besides  active smoking, passive smokers when exposed to 22 hours per week to second-hand smoke bear a heart attack risk of 45%.

The withdrawal symptoms arising after quitting tobacco, is not as intense as the withdrawal from most narcotics. When users cease their intake of nicotine they may feel agitated and on edge. Some chronic users who have quit also complain of headaches and feelings of anxiety and nervousness during the detox process. In most cases, individuals who want to quit the consumption of tobacco products to help wean them down slowly. This makes quitting more comfortable and easier to accomplish.

Any form of tobacco consumption contributes significantly to acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) risk.
Chronic tobacco use does lead to health complications that can prove to be fatal in  one’s future, so the consumption of tobacco in any form should be actively discouraged. 

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